/* * Speaker sketch with photoresistor */ const int outputPin = 9; // Speaker connected to digital pin 9 const int sensorPin = A0; // connect sensor to analog input 0 const int low = 200; const int high = 800; const int minDuration = 1; // 1 ms on, 1 ms off (500 Hz) const int maxDuration = 10; // 10 ms on, 10 ms off (50 Hz) void setup() { pinMode(outputPin, OUTPUT); // enable output on the led pin } void loop() { int sensorReading = analogRead(sensorPin); // read the analog input int delayval = map(sensorReading, low, high, minDuration, maxDuration); delayval = constrain(delayval, minDuration, maxDuration); digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH); // set the pin on delay(delayval); // delay is dependent on light level digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); // set the pin off delay(delayval); }